Five Rivers Annual Gathering 2016 – Fun & Informative!

June 2, 2016 – Thank you to Dr. Cameron Wake for an eye opening and inspiring Climate Change talk at our Annual Gathering. Dr. Wake’s message that undeveloped lands are the “sponge” that help mitigate the more powerful storms we can expect as Climate Change progresses related well to Five Rivers’ mission and speaks to the importance of conserving wetlands as well as the uplands that filter water flowing into them.

Cameron made a compelling case that climate change is the most important issue we face, because it will amplify the issues of war, public heath, clean water and the economy worldwide. And he showed that we can reduce our carbon output while growing our economy.

What can you do to help? Cameron suggests doing all you can TODAY to decrease your fossil fuel use, conserve energy, invest funds in your community to do the same and encourage policies that will put us on a path to a lower carbon emissions future.

You can learn more about Dr. Wake’s work at