Our first Film Festival – a great success!

February 2018 – As folks arrived, there were enthusiastic greetings among friends and as the group grew, so did the chatter and excitement. Clearly, people needed a gathering in the middle of winter! Food and drink, friends, fun and informative films, raffle prizes and the connection between community members and Five Rivers made for a great night.

Thanks to nearly 150 people who purchased tickets, our great host, Red River Theatres and the Board members and volunteers who planned and carried out the event. Special thanks to Maura Adams who selected the films!

This won’t be our last film festival, so as you peruse the web, if you find fun and/or informative films that feature activities that might take place on conserved land, please send along a link to info@5rct.org. Or, if you are a videographer, please consider making a film about Five Rivers and our conserved land!