Remembering Five Rivers in Your Estate Planning

Remembering Five Rivers Conservation Trust in your estate planning supports our important work and ensures that the lands we all love are conserved in perpetuity. We are deeply grateful for your consideration.

There are many ways that a legacy gift can support Five Rivers Conservation Trust. Through your generosity, you can help connect people to nature and conserve land in our region forever.

The following are some of the ways you might choose to support Five Rivers through your estate planning. Each person’s estate planning considerations are unique, so we encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors. For more detailed information about any of the following planned giving opportunities, please call Liz Short, Executive Director, at 603-225-7225 x203 or email her at

  • Gift from a Will, Trust or Residuary Estate. The simplest and most common way to include the Five Rivers Conservation Trust in estate planning is by making a charitable provision in your will or trust.

    This kind of charitable bequest can take several forms. It can be a designated dollar amount, or a percentage of the estate, or “the residual” – that is, the amount remaining in the estate after all other obligations and payments have been made.

    If you are interested in leaving a gift to the Five Rivers Conservation Trust in your will or trust, please make sure to speak with your attorney. We encourage you to provide your attorney with this sample language:

    “I hereby give and bequeath __________________ (dollar amount, or percentage of my estate, or residual of my estate after other bequests) to the Five Rivers Conservation Trust, 10 Ferry Street, Suite 311-A, Concord, New Hampshire 03301, for its general purposes.”
  • Gift from a Retirement Plan or IRA. You can designate Five Rivers Conservation Trust as a beneficiary of one or more of your retirement investment funds or IRA accounts. Many donors find this the most tax-advantaged asset to leave to charity, because, while your heirs would be liable for deferred income tax upon inheriting traditional retirement funds, charitable organizations like Five Rivers would not need to pay any income tax.
  • Gift of Life Insurance. Many donors find it simple to name Five Rivers the beneficiary of a fully-paid life-insurance policy you and your family no longer need.
  • Distribution from a Charitable Remainder Trust. You may be contemplating establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust, where you will receive income for life, and then the funds in the trust are distributed to charitable organizations. Please consider including Five Rivers as a charitable beneficiary!
  • Donate the principal of your Donor Advised Fund. If you have a donor-advised fund (DAF), consider contacting your DAF sponsor and instructing that any funds remaining in your donor-advised fund be distributed to Five Rivers Conservation Trust and other charitable organizations.
  • Gift from a Bank or Brokerage Account. It is possible to designate Five Rivers the beneficiary of bank accounts and certain investment accounts as the “payable on death” (POD) beneficiary.

If you choose to support Five Rivers through your estate planning, please feel free to notify us of your intent by contacting Liz Short, Executive Director. Five Rivers Conservation Trust is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization, Federal Tax ID 02-0427594.