Project STORY and Five Rivers Walk at Winant Park

August 7, 2024 – Five Rivers staff and volunteers joined Project S.T.O.R.Y. for a walk at Winant Park. We spent an hour and a half exploring trails near the heart of Concord, enjoying our lunches while taking in the view from the top.

While the walk began with a healthy fear of bugs, it ended with a more enthusiastic approach to frog catching and investigating the stream that runs nearby to the parking lot on Fisk Road. The woods were filled with laughter and chatter while the group spent time outside—perhaps frightening away some of New Hampshire’s more skittish wildlife. There were, however, plenty of interesting bugs and birds, as well as the edible wintergreen plant for the group to taste.

A highlight from the walk included reaching the top of hill when all complaints of tired legs were replaced by simultaneous exclamations of “Wow! The view!” and a hush fell over the group, for the first time. By all accounts, this first Five Rivers-Project STORY outing was a resounding success. Experiencing the woods with twenty energetic and engaged kids, including some first-time hikers, lifted everyone’s spirits.

In 2009, conservation of Winant Park was made possible through collaboration among Rivington and Joan Winant, the City of Concord, St. Paul’s School, and Five Rivers Conservation Trust. Project S.T.O.R.Y. is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to assisting and empowering youth from diverse communities in Concord.