Regional Conservation Plan

November 2023 – Following years of preparation, Five Rivers is pleased to release our Regional Conservation Plan after engaging with expert volunteers, community members, and partner organizations throughout 2023. This first-ever Regional Conservation Plan will guide our work in the strategic protection of natural resources, productive forests and farmlands, and recreation opportunities for years to come.
We invite you to learn more about our process and explore the interactive maps here. This online presentation allows conservation commissions, community members, and other interested parties to understand our conservation priorities across three themes: Natural Resources & Resilience, Working Farms & Forests, and Inclusion & Access.
We hope the interactive maps will invite conversations with partners – existing and new – and help us strengthen and build partnerships to accomplish more community-centered conservation work. Please let us know what you think and reach out with any questions.
In addition to Five Rivers’ supporters, this project was made possible by grant funding from the NH State Conservation Commission “Moose Plate” Conservation Grant Program, the Land Trust Alliance’s Land and Climate Grant Program, and an Anonymous Foundation.