Tim Fleury

Tim Fleury
Sunapee, NH

Tim is the University of New Hampshire (UNH) Extension Forester in Merrimack County and has been fortunate to pursue a career in forestry for almost 40 years. He graduated with a BS in Forestry from the University of Massachusetts in 1983 and a MS in Forestry from the University of Minnesota in 1995. Throughout Tim’s education, he spent time working in diverse forests from the Dominican Republic while serving in the Peace Corps to working in Alaska with the US Forest Service, and many places in between. Tim has been the Merrimack County Forester since 1996 where he has become well acquainted with many of the working farms, woodlots, and special features in Five Rivers’ conservation area. He welcomes the opportunity to help conserve these many and wonderful places.

Tim lives in Sunapee with his wife, Patricia Halpin, where they raised two sons: Connor and Ryan. He has served on the Sunapee Conservation Commission since 2000. Any day he can spent outside is a good one, whether it be hiking, canoeing, fishing, birding, gardening, working, or just wandering in the woods. When inside, he usually can be found with a book in his hand.