Frisky Hill 2 in Gilmanton Conserved

September 2017 – Many people stop by the side of the road in awe of the ragged outline of the Belknap Mountain Range, visible from the top of Frisky Hill on Route 107 in Gilmanton. Now that Five Rivers Conservation Trust holds a conservation easement on the entire property, the fields that provide the outstanding view will never be developed.
Last Friday, the Gilmanton Land Trust (GLT) purchased the final 11-acre property that protects the view. GLT granted a conservation easement to Five Rivers Conservation Trust and transferred the land to the Gilmanton Conservation Commission. This project completes conservation of the land and the spectacular view from Route 107.
Five Rivers holds the conservation easements that prohibit subdivision and development of this and the adjacent 15-acre property conserved in 2013. The Gilmanton Land Trust holds easements that protect the view. Five Rivers’ responsibility now, and in the future, is to ensure that these properties remain undeveloped. We’ll monitor the property annually and stay in touch with the new landowner, the Gilmanton Conservation Commission, to make sure future uses meet best management practices.
Sincere thanks to the Gilmanton Land Trust, who negotiated the purchase of the land and raised the funds to make this project a reality. Five Rivers is also grateful to the Twigg family for their commitment to conserving this property, in addition to four others that they conserved in 2013.
Do take a drive up to Frisky Hill some sunny day this fall. You’ll want to admire this view!